Who am I ? 

My name is Delphine Remy, I am a psychotherapist trained with Gestalt (Belgian Institute for Gestalt) and Sandplay (with Nicole Deschrevel founder of the IBG).

I accompany:

  • Parents encountering difficulties: parenthood support, transgenerational work, how to find your way between « Behavior, emotions & needs »; how to adapt your relationship to your child’s needs;
  •  Children (under 5 years) and teenager with emotional, behavioral or interpersonal difficulties;
  • Adults.

Therapy length depends of each problematics and is adapted to your needs.

I built on my communication experience

I built on my communication experience* and studied at the Belgian Institute for Gestalt therapy. The human being is so complex and fascinating, that ongoing training is a must be. That’s why I completed my studies by following a specific training in Sandplay therapy with Nicole Deschrevel founder of the IBG. Ongoing training helps me also to get a deeper understanding of some topics that particularly interest me such as: parenthood, kids and all their problematics, anxiety, burn-out, stress, creativity…

Mother of 2 little girls, I face in my daily life parenting issues, such as parents I met in my office or in workshops. It helps me to have a posture anchored in reality and a deeper understanding of difficulties parents are facing each day in their family, at school, with friends, in the society…
Writer and blogger, my essay on « Boredom » was published in the Cahiers de Gestalt Therapy « … fiances » published in December 2014 (a bi-annual thematic journal published by the European College of Gestalt therapy and the « Exprimerie » publishing house specializing in literature dedicated to psychotherapy and particularly Gestalt therapy).

SandPlay Therapy for your child / teenager, why?

If you are reading this lines, it’s because you’re worry and you care about your child. He suffers and you do not know how to help. Because he is too small and does not find the words, the Sandplay Therapy can help to shape the unspeakable, to re-initiate movement, to identify repetition and to develop their imagination and creativity…

The Sandplay therapy was inspired by Jung and developed by the Swiss therapist Dora M. Kalff (1904-1990) following the work of Margaret Lowenfeld, consisting in shaping the desires and psychic complexes of the player through manipulation of sand and figurines.

Specifically indicated in chronic situations of personal discomfort or behavioral, emotional or relational difficulties; Sandplay is a non-verbal and non-interpretive tool that can help your child / teen to better find his place, to adjust himself to his environment, to understand his needs and duties as well.
In the tray, the child / teen will dare to express inner forces and externalize it as living images. The hands are the bridge between his inner and outside world (adults are sometimes also invited to work with sand). By their action, the concerns that inhabit him become visible.

Playing is reconnecting with the forgotten parts or undeveloped self. SandPlay allows children to tame the world and will help him to face the unknown that lives in him and scares him.